JUMP TOINTRODUCTIONOverviewGetting StartedAuthenticationError handlingRate LimitingService StatusPLATFORM ConceptsAPI Endpoints OverviewBooking WorkflowImplementing PaymentRevenue Management and CommissionNo-code widgetsAPI: Hotel dataPlacesSearch for a list of placesgetSearch for a specific placegetHotelsRetrieve a list of hotelsgetGet the details of a hotelgetGet the reviews of a hotelgetCitiesList the cities of a countrygetCountriesList all countriesgetCurrenciesList all currenciesgetIATA codesList the IATA codesgetHotel FacilitiesList the Hotel facilitiesgetHotel TypesList of hotel typesgetHotel ChainsList of hotel chainsgetAPI: SearchHotel ratesRetrieve rates for hotelspostRetrieve minimum rate for hotelspostWeatherGet weather datagetAPI: BookingMake bookings1. Create a checkout session (PREBOOK)post2. Complete a bookingpostManage bookingsList bookingsgetRetrieve a bookinggetCancel a bookingputRetrieve all bookingsgetAPI: LoyaltyLoyalty ProgramFetch all guestsgetFetch a specific guestgetFetch a guest's bookingsgetFetch a guest's vouchersgetUpdate the loyalty programputGet the loyalty program settingsgetFetch a guest's loyalty pointsgetRedeem a guest's loyalty pointspostAPI: VouchersVouchersCreate a new voucherpostRetrieve all vouchersgetRetrieve a specific vouchergetUpdate a voucherputUpdate voucher statusputRetrieve voucher usage historygetDelete a voucherdeleteAPI: AnalyticsAnalyticsRetrieve weekly analyticspostRetrieve detailed analytics reportpostRetrieve market analyticspostMost booked hotelspostAPI: Supply CustomizationSupply CustomizationRetrieve supply customization settingsgetUpdate supply customization settingsputRESOURCESSDKsNode.JSPythonWidgetsPostman collectionmacOS Companion appDelete a voucherdelete https://da.liteapi.travel/vouchers/{id}/Deletes a voucher from the system using its unique identifier.